OmaStadi is Helsinki’s way of implementing participatory budgeting. It means that city residents can suggest things they would like to have in their own residential area. Helsinki will spend EUR 8.8 million implementing ideas suggested by city residents. A good proposal is one that makes the city comfortable, functional and fun for us all. You can submit your own proposal through this webpage between 2 and 15 October 2023. And in spring 2024, you will get to vote for the proposals you consider to be the best. The city will implement the proposals that get the most votes.
Stages of OmaStadi
1. Making a proposal: All city residents can prepare and submit proposals. Residents aged 13 or over can log in to the website and submit an OmaStadi proposal.
2. Voting: Residents aged 13 or over can log in to the website and submit an OmaStadi proposal. Each voter selects five proposals to support. The proposals that get the most votes will be implemented.
3. Development: Together, city residents and city employees plan how the proposals with the most votes will be implemented in practice.
4. Implementation: The city implements the proposals.