Stages of OmaStadi
OmaStadi is Helsinki’s way of implementing participatory budgeting. It means that city residents can suggest ideas and vote on how residential areas are developed. Helsinki will spend EUR 8.8 million implementing ideas suggested by city residents.
The aim of participatory budgeting is to increase city residents’ influencing opportunities and their understanding of the city’s operations as well as to improve equality. Through participatory budgeting, city residents can directly influence how the city spends a part of its budget.
On this website, city residents can submit their proposals for the development of Helsinki and vote on them. The proposals that get the most votes will be implemented.
After voting, residents and city employees will work together to develop the proposals to be implemented. Co-development can refer to things such as workshops, discussions or surveys conducted by the city. The surveys can be used to find out how a proposals should, in residents’ opinion, be implemented.
Stages of OmaStadi
1. Making a proposal: All city residents can prepare and submit proposals. Residents aged 13 or over can log in to the website and submit an OmaStadi proposal.
2. Voting: Residents aged 13 or over can vote. Each voter selects five proposals to support. The proposals that get the most votes will be implemented.
3. Development: Together, city residents and city employees plan how the proposals with the most votes will be implemented in practice.
4. Implementation: The city implements the proposals.