Co-creation and implementation of proposals
The co-creation of OmaStadi projects that will be implemented will start after the voting results have been confirmed in April and May 2024.
During the co-creation, the city’s residents and experts will discuss and plan the implementation of the projects and what should be considered.
The co-creation starts by commenting the projects that will be implemented and coming up with ideas on the website from 8 to 21 April 2024.
The next step is to organise three area-specific co-creation workshops. The workshops are meant for open discussion and dialogue together with the residents and for bringing together the various perspectives and needs. The end result of the co-creation is a project plan for each OmaStadi project that will be implemented.
OmaStadi projects in the Northern and North-Eastern Major District: 29 April at 17-19.30 Cultural Centre Malmitalo, Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00700 Helsinki.
OmaStadi projects in the Southern, Central and Western Major District: 6 May at 17-19.30 Central Library Oodi, Töölönlahdenkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki.
OmaStadi projects in the Eastern and South-Eastern Major District: 15 May at 17-19.30 Cultural Centre Stoa in Itäkeskus, Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki.
The co-creation of OmaStadi projects that will be implemented will continue after the spring. The co-creation may refer to surveys, field visits, workshops or other forms of discussion. The participation methods will be explained in more detail on the OmaStadi website during spring 2024. Information about schedules and interaction related to the implementation of the proposals is available on the OmaStadi Implementation website. Information about the implementation of the projects will be added to the website as the implementation proceeds. The website includes information about the implementation phases and schedule for each project as well as instructions for how you can make an impact. You can also track the implementation of proposals that were in the vote in 2021 on the OmaStadi website.