Lighting and signposts for Kontula mall
![Lighting and signposts for Kontula mall](*%3DUTF-8%27%27www_teemat_omastadi_rakennettu_ymparisto.jpg&rsct=image%2Fjpeg&sr=b&sig=BrEg5QHmRvH9%2BXyQ3t45tcLCGGKg8k6NpYjfHeEiSbw%3D)
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The lighting of the Kontula shopping centre and the surrounding area should be improved in order to increase safety and comfort. The mall’s information board needs to be updated; it is hard to find the services as there are no signposts.
Proposal description
Kontulan ostarin ja lähialueen valaistusta on parannettava turvallisuuden ja viihtyisyyden lisäämiseksi. Muun muassa Emännänpolun alikulku on turvaton. Ostarin infotaulu on vanha ja kaipaa päivitystä. Ostarin palveluja, kuten Terveysasemaa, on vaikea löytää, koska opasteita on liian vähän ja osoitteet vaikeaselkoisia.
Proposal on map
The location of the proposal may be refined by the city after the vote.
The following element is a map which presents the items on this page as map points. The element can be used with a screen reader but it may be hard to understand.
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