Support Finnish companies to encourage the learning of Finnish language

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In the City of Helsinki, 15,7% of residents speak a mother tongue other than Finnish or Swedish. In Espoo, for example, in 2000, non-native speakers represented 3,8% of the population (7900 people) and in just 20 years this number is now 19% (55000 people), with a tendency to grow. A huge parcel of them searches for jobs in Helsinki, and this is also true to Vantaa and other cities. Two most recurrent scenarios develop: people cannot enter jobs as they do not speak Finnish, or they find English-only jobs and never develop Finnish language skills, much needed to well integrate society.
Our proposal is that the City creates a repository of resources for companies with ideas and material to encourage their foreign employees’ language learning. Those could be brochures with best practices recommendations on how to incorporate the Finnish learning into the workplace and docs to support the follow-up of each employee such as individual targets for the learning and forms of evaluation.
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