Onlineresurser för diversitet inom företag
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En sida där man kan hitta resurser för företag som vill underlätta integrationen av sina anställda. Syftet skulle vara att stödja företag som behöver hjälp för att utveckla en internationell arbetskultur.
En sida där man kan hitta resurser för företag som vill underlätta integrationen av sina anställda. Syftet skulle vara att stödja företag som behöver hjälp för att utveckla en internationell arbetskultur.
In the City of Helsinki, 15,7% of residents speak a mother tongue other than Finnish or Swedish. In some parts of the metropolitan area, the non-native speakers have grown from 4% to 19% of the population, in the last 20 years. Such a scenario continues to develop and Helsinki city is where most foreigners will be employed.
Many Finnish companies have a hard time integrating internationals. Even if the to improve their international culture.
The webpage will function as a source of knowledge and good practices, where a company can, for example, look for: activities of teambuilding in multicultural teams, strategies to make an employee feel included, to support his/her Finnish language skills and participation in society beyond the workplace, to communicate that multiculturalism is part of the company’s identity and values in different ways. This material will be in the form of PDFs or external links to other websites and blogs.
Using the resources will have a positive impact on the whole company, including Finnish colleagues, on the teamwork, productivity and well-being.
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