Indoor facility for tennis and badmington in Lauttasaari
![Indoor facility for tennis and badmington in Lauttasaari](*%3DUTF-8%27%27www_teemat_omastadi_liikunta_ulkoilu.jpg&rsct=image%2Fjpeg&sr=b&sig=8iiFAH5Wsx7XfEZjZEBwLaPPxcXDqTjMZfxgAX84JII%3D)
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I propose a tennis and badmington hall to be built in Lauttasaari. A suitable location could be opposit Hedengren school building in an open area right by Länsiväylä. The hall could be conveniently utilised during day time by nearby schools. In the evening and weekends the hall would most probably been fully booked all the time anyway. There are no many indoor sports halls in Lauttasaari currently. In Tapiola there is tennispuisto but it will soon close. In Taivallahti there is a hall but no badmington courts. Also a gym and table tennis could be situated in the facility if so wished. The maintenance is proposed to be done by one of existing clubs in Helsinki like Smash. They have the knowledge and can efficiently operate. Maybe there is even interest in co-financing. I think city should invest in sports facilities more as they increase wellbeeing of children and adults and pay back in less physical and mental problems. Every child that learns a new hobby via school sports is a great +
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