Increase practical Finnish language skills and foreigners’ employability

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The low accessibility of highly skilled foreigners to jobs in Finland is a well-known problem that the Finnish government is currently trying to tackle. With a decreasing population, Finland needs international talents. They are abundant in the country’s capital area, but have a hard time finding jobs due to language barriers. From 1 to 5, Finnish ranks 4 in the level of learning difficulty, from an English-speaker perspective. Additionally, Finnish courses are highly bookish and theoretical, making foreigners feel helpless and give up.
A pilot project of courses should be conducted in Helsinki with a practical method of teaching, to decrease abandonment and increase useful Finnish language skills. This could be achieved by learning from successful cases, such as the Onnenkieli school in Tampere, that teaches Finnish with suggestopedia method. Their students develop the language faster and find jobs more easily. After evaluation, courses could be extended to all of Helsinki.
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