Increase Finnish language skills and employability of foreigners

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The low accessibility of foreigners to jobs is a well-known problem that affects the whole society. International workforce is abundant in the capital area, but faces language barriers.
Finnish ranks 4 in a 1-to-5 scale of difficulty, for an English-speaker. Also, courses are too grammar-focused, causing students to drop out. The low employability of internationals is expensive to the country, highlights social disparities and prevents non-Finns’ contribution to economy.
To tackle the problem, we propose that a Finnish course pilot is implemented at Helsingin Työväenopisto. This pilot would follow alternative didactical methods, that are scientifically recommended and already successful in other parts of Finland.
Three classes of 16 to 19 foreigners each, 24 hours a week, for 24 months (8 months each).
To whom?
Aimed to foreigners with a University degree from abroad.
Class 1: Kindergarten teachers; Class 2: Nurses/assistant nurses; Class 3: All professions.
Based on a non-traditional methodology that aims to develop functional knowledge of the language and specific vocabulary of the professional context. Some of the techniques used are multisensorial learning (e.g. relating new vocabulary to specific gesture), role-playing and creativity (e.g. each student gets a fictional Finnish name, profession and nationality and use this identity in different staged scenarios, putting the language in practice). The methodology helps the students to build a positive self-image and self-confidence, improving their motivation to learn Finnish. It is based on structured and specialized teaching, and in an informal and playful atmosphere. It supports listening comprehension, speech, grammatical and lexical competence in a more dynamic and useful manner, in comparison to traditional methods.
Each student will be evaluated in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
135,000€ - One specialized teacher working full-time for two years, and didactic material costs.
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