Beach volley court(s) and benches to Aurinkolahti beach
![Beach volley court(s) and benches to Aurinkolahti beach](*%3DUTF-8%27%27www_teemat_omastadi_liikunta_ulkoilu.jpg&rsct=image%2Fjpeg&sr=b&sig=EWCaCWw%2BDHQKrp7s3AiCBx8HZnk8roEstUGN5eBnRgw%3D)
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Äänten määrä
Monet Aurinkolahden asukkaat nauttivat rantalentopallosta. Meillä on juuri sopiva ranta, joten tarvitsemme kentän! Siellä voisi harrastaa myös muita lajeja, kuten padelia ja voimailua ulkokuntosalilla.
Ehdotuksen kuvaus
I am a beach volleyball player living in Aurinkolahti. I know there are many people in Aurinkolahti who would like to play beachvolley here. We have the perfect beach for the sport. I see that it would fit very well to the corner of the beach where we have other excellent sport possibilities such as padel and outdoor gym. The beach volleyball court(s) would make the location perfect. The courts could be cost free (like gym)or reserved with a small fee (like padel). I’m happy to help if needed.
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