Outdoor workout/gym place in Hyväntoivonpuisto

Numero (ID)
There are several places for kids and pets in the park already, but no place for outdoor sport exercises, even for doing simple pull-ups on the bar.
The closest outdoor workout place is near Jätkäsaaren Kuplahalli (Lidl), which is too far from the district entrance area.
Having such a place in the park could be the natural attraction point for active adults, and it will encourage people to do more sport outdoors, be more healthy, acquaint with the other sporty people around.
Ehdotus kartalla
Seuraavassa elementissä on kartta, joka esittää tämän sivun tietueet karttapisteinä. Elementtiä voi käyttää ruudunlukijalla, mutta se voi olla vaikeaselkoinen.
Ohita kartta
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