Erilliset lapsille suunnatut tilat Helsingin kirjastoihin
Ehdotus ei valitettavasti etene toteutukseen, koska se ei saanut tarpeeksi ääniä
![Erilliset lapsille suunnatut tilat Helsingin kirjastoihin](*%3DUTF-8%27%27library_kids_5.jpg&rsct=image%2Fjpeg&sr=b&sig=Xxoj%2BT6CtGlKTi4Br7eyPw90zDg09fxbdB3m8MNGJMc%3D)
Numero (ID)
Äänten määrä
Lapsille suunnattuja tiloja Helsingin kirjastoihin. Eri ikäisille sopivien lelujen ja lautapelien tarjoaminen, jotta lapset voivat leikkiä ja pelata sillä välin kun aikuiset lukevat.
Ehdotuksen kuvaus
Finland is well known for the excellent education system in the world. The love of reading books is given to children from the early ages, and people belonging to each age group fill the libraries. But even in the largest library, Oodi, although a large area is reserved for children, it has not got attractive equipment and toys that can appeal to children, so that parents can read their books while children are busy with them and also getting familiar with the world of books. Moreover, the parents cannot visit Oodi everyday, they generally use the libraries which are close to their home with their kids. These libraries do not have spacious places, like Oodi has, and they have really limited areas for children.
It is difficult to build new places for kids in these libraries, however, every library has at least one room for different activities. The city can transform these places to areas which will be designed for children. By placing toys and board games that will appeal to different ages in these places, children can be allowed to play while parents read their books. Thus, the concern of disturbing other library residents is eliminated. In these rooms, an arrangement can be made by notifying the parents of the hours of these activities in order not to interfere with other activities that were previously done.
In the first phase, the project can be implemented in Oulunkylä and Maunula libraries. If sufficient budget is provided, someone can be hired for 6 months to identify shortcomings for children in libraries across Helsinki. This will be a more effective way to pinpoint the problems.
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