Planter boxes (viljelylaatikot) in Lauttasaari (Lahnalahden puisto)

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Planter boxes could be a good solution for those living in apartments with limited/ no access to growing space but would be still happy to keep their thumbs green. Community gardening could become a place for Lauttasaari people to get together, slow down, learn from each other, have quality time with their families and grow own food or flowers.
The suggested location is Lahnalahden puisto (Pajalahden puisto could be considered as an option if the demand shows to be high). For the purposes of watering there should be a water tap with a lock key and water storage containers (tanks). An insect hotel for pollinators could be places there too.
Community members could then reserve either a wooden planter box by e-mail/ phone/ filling in an electronic form/signing a contract etc.
The financing would be needed for buying planter boxes (min. 20), a water tap, water storage containers (tanks), a gardening tool box, a compost bin, an insect hotel, as well as arranging the reservation system for the planter boxes and a simple design of the area (1-2 tables and chairs) for the most pleasant community/ family experience.
Ehdotus kartalla
Seuraavassa elementissä on kartta, joka esittää tämän sivun tietueet karttapisteinä. Elementtiä voi käyttää ruudunlukijalla, mutta se voi olla vaikeaselkoinen.
Ohita kartta
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