MyData IndiviDUALbooks: library books made Accessible & Available, home-delivered in2taps of book cover at a library web page. Touch&stream YOUR book!
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1. 'Over half of Finns find online services a hindrance, due to lack of know-how, poor equipment, income problems', Finland 2019 UN Report.
56% of Finns: 'Public Library (PL) digital services are not for our interest'.
2. In PL we may queue for 6 months, for non-available book: 1/10 of book loans fail
- 30% of books never leave library shelve, wasting our taxpayer money
- 20% of people have a visual issue, but PL have <1% books in audio format
- hence 200 M €, 60% of library yearly budget, are wasted.
3. Publishers boycott audio- & e-books sale to PL; insult PL by high book prices
- 73% of books that can't be found in library - are Learning books, we must buy them, for Education => Digital Inequality Gap is growing.
4. Millions $ are invested worldwide for the BETTER, PERSONALIZED Education books,
by on-demand printing of Learning Books in one copy;
but logistics costs of such book exceed its print cost:
Amazon charges for a book delivery to Finland from US=8 $.
For people, digitally under-served by PL:
Visually Impaired People; immigrants without access to home language books; low income people
- our app* would find a needed book BEYOND PL
- & adjust book ACCESSIBLE format to unique user (e.g. to cure dyslexia)
- eBook royalty will be sent to a book author, per e-library law (draft is in Parliament)
- PL book Life Cycle Cost drops to 1/10 (12€ vs 120€ paid now).
- Incentives for people:
gift book, book in immigrant language, Large Print books for elderly, FREE textbooks for students.
- Incentives for PL:
seamless new users acquisition; sharp costs reduction.
If a book is not available from a PL
- PL Open API shows book metadata QR-code, by book-recommendation-bot
- a user scans QR-code in our app
- book is home-delivered wrapped in IndiviDUAL mailer
- Copyright Code engraved in mailer's TOpRIght corner helps a blind person access book content.
PL to open API, per Open Data Directive.
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