Improving recycling and waste sorting around Helsinki

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Proper recycling is crucial for the well-being of city communities and is one of the main dimensions of sustainable development and circular economy (Sustainable Development Goals 2,3,6,11,12,13,14,15).
*Improving recycling and sorting of trash around Helsinki. Some people throw trash without sorting it to different types and mix it all up (maybe because they are not familiar with recycling rules, or can't read in Finnish, or even illiterate). Additional info materials with visuals in different languages are needed near recycling points and on info boards around the City. Moreover, additional training resources (e.g. website, online/offline workshops) might be helpful in educating people and improving the cleanliness of recycling points.
*Installing more recycling facilities (e.g. for bio waste, cardboard/paper, plastic) with instructions in public spaces such as transport stations, outdoor sports places, commercial centers..
*Creating 'police' for garbage control: recycling advisors in uniforms and with printed leaflets near the most problematic recycling points & areas (railway stations, parks)
*Organizing 'food bank' areas in e.g. local community centers where people could leave their extra food for others -> reducing food waste and supporting people in need
*Better cleaning of the areas where geese nest (complaints that it has become challenging to find a place e.g. for a family picnic in lots of parks and other green areas due to birds' excrements) -> improving recreation zones for residents.
Budgeting (advice from the City experts?):
-hiring a project coordinator for 1-2 years to develop an Action Plan
-website about recycling and waste sorting
-printed materials
-info boards near recycling points and around the City
-other costs depending on the Action Plan
# 'Neighbourhood Mothers' community proposal and ideas (Nicehearts ry): #
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