Skatepark at Munkkiniemi
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Construction of a concrete skate park in the ring of Ritokallionpolku 1.
We have built a free mini ramp at RIDENJOY wakepark, and we are experiencing congestion from those who want to ride. Sometimes there is a queue of people wishing to ride. At the same time, we used to refuse in riding to children with scooters, because iron scooters scratch the plywood ramp and quickly destroy it. The place is very beautiful and well suited for the development of sports infrastructure. Inside of the Ritokallionpolku ring is a dump of garden trees. It looks terrible. People throw their trash there too. I think building a concrete skate park would be very advisable. This will make riding accessible to everyone and scooters too.
Idea kartalla
Seuraavassa elementissä on kartta, joka esittää tämän sivun tietueet karttapisteinä. Elementtiä voi käyttää ruudunlukijalla, mutta se voi olla vaikeaselkoinen.
Ohita kartta
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