Helsinki International Public Library - Helsingin kansainvälinen kirjasto
Ehdotus ei valitettavasti etene toteutukseen, koska se ei saanut tarpeeksi ääniä

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Helsinkiin perustetaan kansainvälinen kirjasto, jossa on laaja kokoelma kirjoja, lehtiä ja muuta materiaalia kaikilla Helsingissä puhutuilla kielillä. Päätavoite on edistää kulttuurien välistä vuorovaikutusta ja rohkaista uteliaisuuteen muita kulttuureja kohtaan.
Suunnitelman tiivistelmä
Public libraries are places of learning and sharing. They are symbols of inclusion, curiosity and new opportunities and serve as meeting places for all. 'Helsinki International Public Library' ('HIP Library') would be a library with an extensive collection of books, newspapers, films and other material in all languages spoken in Greater Helsinki. Located in the Pasila Library it could function as a springboard towards a more diverse, inclusive Finnish library system.
Pasilan kirjasto, Kellosilta 9
'Helsinki International Public Library' is for everyone who wants to learn and use multilingual library services in Finland, be they locals or visitors. The aim is to create a place that expresses international urbanity. The response the proposal received from the City summarises the intent: "Helsinki City Library wants to improve multilingual services and collections throughout the city so that the library will be welcoming and relevant place for as many international customers as possible. "
Connected to the current library structure 'Helsinki International Public Library' is an expression of future Helsinki. As a concrete place it will help the City of Helsinki in communicating its library services to international customers and be a 'landmark' of the City's intent to become more accessible for all citizens. 'Helsinki International Public Library' will initiate projects and campaigns – both physical events and digital platforms – that work towards a more inclusive and diverse collection, environment and service that will serve the growing international and internationally oriented population of Greater Helsinki and Finland. Besides a bigger diversity in offering and services, the main objective of the HIP library is to foster interaction and encourage curiosity towards different cultures.
'Helsinki International Public Library' will be co-planned and co-created with all communities and individuals interested in participating. The intent is that anyone can propose for a book, a film etc. for the library collection. Funds are needed for a coordinator or a coordinating organisation that will lead the project: network building with communities and different groups, co-curating the collections that include books and all other media (dvd's, magazines, music, educational material etc.), improving multilingual accessibility of online services, directing the design and placemaking proceses in Pasila library that will reflect the inclusive, international and urban nature of the initiative, and connecting to different stakeholders both in the immediate surroundings and in the Greater Helsinki region. Additional professional services may include for ex. service design and translation.
Toteutukseen osallistuvat yhteisöt ja ihmiset
'Helsinki International Public Library' will be created together. A coordinator contacts different communities in the city. All major language groups will be represented, smaller language groups should have possibilities to participate. International events arranged in the neighbouring Fair Centre, such as the Book Fair, Slush and Helsinki Design Week could offer possibilities for collaboration as well as NGO's, schools and local initiatives all around the city.
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