Community garden for the Saukonpaadenpuisto in Jätkäsaari

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Community gardens are a great way to bring people together, promote healthy activities and are good for the environment. There are already a few in Helsinki, but often the usage requires registration or further action that makes the residents hesitate to use them.
Our suggestion is to create and build a community garden with 2-6 (depending on the size) flower/vegetable beds that residents can use free of charge and without any sign-up or registration. The Saukonpaadenpuisto has been proven to be a place where people come together and voiced their wish for a community garden.
This idea fits to many themes, e.g. environmental friendliness, community spirit and nature + parks.
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Följande element är en karta som presenterar objekten på denna sida som kartpunkter. Elementet kan användas med en skärmläsare men det kan vara svårt att förstå.
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