Förändringar för objektet "International Multi cultural Center"
Visningsläge för jämförelse:
- +International Multi cultural Center
- +open
Kort beskrivning
- +Need for one international multicultural center, symbolic in terms of architecture, to promote diversity in social, multi-cultural activities and tourism.
Lokalisering pä kartan
- +Helsinki Center, better if its accessible by metro
- +All sections and age group of the entire society.
- +To provide a common place to show case different cultures.
- +To show case Finnish design and architecture.
Åtgärder som det behövs pengar för
- +1. Design and color of the building.
- +2. Instruments needed for multi cultural activities
Personer och organisationer som deltar i genomförandet
- +communities from different countries. People having knowledge about cultural activities.
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Versionen skapades
08/03/2019 10:28