Social Network for elderly immigrants
Nummer (ID)
Elderly immigrant group faces social isolation due to limited knowledge of Finnish language and lack of awareness of government policies.
Idea is to create an easy to use digital social platform for the senior citizens .This portal can be used in phone, computer or other public digital kiosks and will include:
> Easy to navigate interface in multiple languages with bold fonts to enable smooth browsing experience.
> Up to Date information on various public policies and offices (Bank, Pension,Hospital) etc.
> Ability to connect to the respective agencies during emergency at the shortest possible time.
> Interactive chat service to provide personalized help needed for specific problems.
> Traffic information that shows best available routes with accurate weather forecast.
> Online meeting place to connect the senior citizens with various volunteer agencies and support services.
> Group chat options for the users who can freely discuss their issues,concerns,fears with others.
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