Helsinki's Community Spaces for everyone
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We propose the creation of cosy spaces in the different regions in Helsinki that would promote equality in participation. Such spaces would also create access to training and knowledge sharing opportunities fostering meaningful networks to enhance social and economical integration.
This would be functional and important because of:
Easy accessibility
An welcoming environment
No entry restrictions
It’d have rooms to be used/booked for meaningful activities/events open to all
Would offer the basics of cosiness such as coffee, friendly environment, warm atmosphere
Would have a kids corner so that stay at home parents are encouraged to participate and it could be a place for practice to those studying to become children’s carers
It’d have a facilitator who’d be the first point of contact and who’d facilitate the realization of ideas
The space is to be self-running in the future
Promotes collaboration between organizations (such as institutions, schools, NGO’s, etc) and citizens.
Ehdotus kartalla
Seuraavassa elementissä on kartta, joka esittää tämän sivun tietueet karttapisteinä. Elementtiä voi käyttää ruudunlukijalla, mutta se voi olla vaikeaselkoinen.
Ohita kartta
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