delivery bus for local organic produce
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Create a bus that delivers locally grown, organic produce, educates about local farming and food production, and offers community services to helsinki residents. the bus would be designed and painted by the local residents in bright, friendly colors. the roof would have an herbal garden, solar panels, and a small turbo wind power generator. an internet station on the bus provides a place to order the produce in advance, and to communicate and exchange with other similar systems regionally and world-wide. there would also be practical services like knife sharpening, bike repair, and small electronic repair tools on the bus. Books from the helsinki libraries on city gardening and cooking of the produced offered for sale could be borrowed. Seats on the bus are reserved for helsinki residents to travel to the local farms to help with the work there and see where their food is grown.
Ehdotus kartalla
Seuraavassa elementissä on kartta, joka esittää tämän sivun tietueet karttapisteinä. Elementtiä voi käyttää ruudunlukijalla, mutta se voi olla vaikeaselkoinen.
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